Social Prescribing
Going beyond medicine.
Social Prescribing
It’s estimated that one in five of the people who go to see their GP are troubled by things that can’t be cured by medical treatment. GPs tell us that they spend significant amounts of time dealing with the effects of poor housing, debt, stress and loneliness.
Many people are overwhelmed and can’t reach out to make the connections that could make a difference to their situation. This is especially true for people who have long-term conditions, who need support with their mental health, who are lonely or isolated, or who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.
Our social prescribing link workers help people to identify what matters to them, and work out how to connect with the activities that might make a difference.
Social Prescribing is suitable for any patient whose health & wellbeing is being impacted by practical or social issues, such as:
Benefits and money
Employment and education
Loneliness and isolation
Talk to Us
Social prescribing is here to support you with a wide range of issues. You can always have a chat with our friendly team in confidence, and we’ll be happy to work with you to build a support plan that works for you - there’s always support available if you need it. We’re here to listen to and support with what matters most to you.
To get in touch, contact your local GP practice and speak to the reception team about accessing Social Prescribing.